Folding Guide

Accordian Fold (for text weight papers)
An Accordian fold can have as many panels as you need. Each panel would be the same size.

Calculate the Panels, if you know the flat size

Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size.

Folding Example
To see how an Accordian Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below.

Accordian Fold (for cover weight papers)
An Accordian fold can have as many panels as you need. Each panel would be the same size.

Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size.

Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size

Folding Example
To see how an Accordian Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below.

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Text Weight Folds

Accordian fold



3-Panel Gate Fold

4-Panel Double Gate Fold

4-Panel Roll Fold

5-Panel Roll Fold

4-Panel Double Parallel Fold

Accordian Fold (for text weight papers) An Accordian fold can have as many panels as you need. Each panel would be the same size.

Calculate the Panels, if you know the flat size

Enter the flat size width in inches:

Enter the number of panels:

All Panel Sizes are:

Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size.

Enter the final trim size width in inches:

Enter the number of panels:

flat size:

all panel sizes are:

Folding Example To see how an Accordian Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below.

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var accTxt = document.getElementById( “txt-accordianfold” );

function playAccTxt() {
if ( accTxt.paused );

Tri-Fold (for text weight papers) A Tri-fold is a piece containing 3-panels per side for a total of 6-panels front and back. Two of the panels are the same size, while the third panel is slightly shorter in width to allow it to fold inside the other two panels.

Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size

Enter the flat size width in inches:

Panel 1 & 2:

Panel 3:

Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size

Enter the final trim size width in inches:

Flat size:

Panel 1 & 2:

Panel 3:

Folding Example To see how an Tri-Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below.

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.


var triTxt = document.getElementById( “txt-trifold” );

function playTriTxt() {
if ( triTxt.paused );

Z-Fold (for text weight papers) A Z-fold is a piece containing 3-panels per side for a total of 6-panels front and back. All panels are the same size.

Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size

Enter the width in inches:

Panel 1, 2 & 3:

Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size

Enter the final trim size width in inches:

Flat size:

Panel 1, 2 & 3:

Folding Example To see how an Z-Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below.

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var zTxt = document.getElementById( “txt-Zfold” );

function playZTxt() {
if ( zTxt.paused );

3-Panel Gate Fold (for text weight papers) A 3-Panel Gate-fold has 3-panels per side for a total of 6-panels. The center panel is the largest with the outer panels being just slightly less than half of the center panel.

Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size

Enter the flat size width in inches:

Panel 2:

Panels 1 & 3:

Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size

Enter the final trim size width in inches:

Flat size:

Panel 2:

Panels 1 & 3:

Folding Example To see how a 3-Panel Gatefold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below.

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var gateText = document.getElementById( “text-gatefold” );

function playGateText() {
if ( gateText.paused );

4-Panel Double Gate Fold (for text weight papers) A 4-Panel Double Gate-Fold has 4-panels per side for a total of 8-panels. The two inside panels are the same size while the two on the outside are both one-eigth of an inch smaller. This allows room for the panels to be folded together.

Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size

Enter the flat size width in inches:

Panel 1 & 4:

Panels 2 & 3:

Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size

Enter the final trim size width in inches:

Flat size:

Panel 1 & 4:

Panels 2 & 3:

Folding Example To see how a Double Gate Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below.

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var DGateTxt = document.getElementById( “txt-DGatefold” );

function playDGateTxt() {
if ( DGateTxt.paused );

4-Panel Roll Fold (for text weight papers) A 4-Panel Roll Fold has 4-panels per side for a total of 8-panels. Two panels are the same size, while panels 3 & 4 are one-eigth and one-quarter of an inch shorter in width respectively. This allows the panels to fold into each other without binding.

Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size.

Enter the flat size width in inches:

Panel 1 & 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:

Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size.

Enter the final trim size width in inches:

Flat size:

Panel 1 & 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:

Folding Example To see how a Roll Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below.

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var Roll4Txt = document.getElementById( “txt-4Rollfold” );

function play4RollTxt() {
if ( Roll4Txt.paused );

5-Panel Roll Fold (for text weight papers) A 5-Panel Roll Fold has 5-panels per side for a total of 10-panels. Two panels are the same size, while panels 3, 4 and 5 are one-eigth, one-quarter and three-eights of an inch shorter in width respectively. This allows the panels to fold into each other without binding.

Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size

Enter the flat size width in inches:

Panel 1 & 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:

Panel 5:

Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size

Enter the final trim size width in inches:

Flat size:

Panel 1 & 2:

Panel 3:

Panel 4:
Panel 5:

Folding Example To see how a Roll Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below.

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var Roll5Txt = document.getElementById( “txt-5Rollfold” );

function play5RollTxt() {
if ( Roll5Txt.paused );

4-Panel Double Parallel Fold (for text weight papers) A 4-panel Double Parrallel Fold has 4-panels on each side for a total of 8-panels. All panel sizes are the same.

Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size.

Enter the flat size width in inches:

All panel sizes are:

Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size.

Enter the final trim size width in inches:

Flat size:

All panel sizes are:

Folding Example To see how a Double Parallel Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below.

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.


var DParaTxt = document.getElementById( “txt-DParafold” );

function playDParaTxt() {
if ( DParaTxt.paused );

function openText( evt, textName ) {
var i, x, tablinks;
x = document.getElementsByClassName( “Text” );
for ( i = 0; i < x.length; i++ ) { x[ i ].style.display = "none"; } tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName( "tabText" ); for ( i = 0; i < x.length; i++ ) { tablinks[ i ].className = tablinks[ i ].className.replace( " w3-red", "" ); } document.getElementById( textName ).style.display = "block"; evt.currentTarget.className += " w3-red"; } Cover Weight Folds Accordian Trifold Z-fold 3-Panel Gate Fold 4-Panel Double Gate Fold 4-Panel Roll Fold 5-Panel Roll Fold 4-Panel Double Parallel Fold Accordian Fold (for cover weight papers) An Accordian fold can have as many panels as you need. Each panel would be the same size. Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size. Enter the flat size width in inches: Enter the number of panels: All panel sizes are: Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size Enter the final trim size width in inches: Enter the number of panels: Flat size: all panel sizes are: Folding Example To see how an Accordian Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause var accCvr = document.getElementById( "cvr-accordianfold" ); function playAccCvr() { if ( accCvr.paused ); else accCvr.pause(); } Tri-fold (for cover weight papers) A Tri-fold is a piece containing 3-panels per side for a total of 6-panels front and back. Two of the panels are the same size, while the third panel is slightly shorter in width to allow it to fold inside the other two panels. Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size. Enter the flat size width in inches: Panel 1 & 2: Panel 3: Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size. Enter the final trim size width in inches: Flat size: panel 1 & 2: panel 3: Folding Example To see how an Tri-Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause var triCvr = document.getElementById( "cvr-trifold" ); function playTriCvr() { if ( triCvr.paused ); else triCvr.pause(); } Z-fold (for cover weight papers) A Z-fold is a piece containing 3-panels per side for a total of 6-panels front and back. All panels are the same size. Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size. Enter the flat size width in inches: Panel 1, 2 & 3: Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size. Enter the final trim size width in inches: Flat size: Panel 1, 2 & 3 Folding Example To see how an Z-Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause var zCvr = document.getElementById( "cvr-Zfold" ); function playZCvr() { if ( zCvr.paused ); else zCvr.pause(); } 3-Panel Gate Fold (for cover weight papers) A 3-Panel Gate-fold has 3-panels per side for a total of 6-panels. The center panel is the largest with the outer panels being just slightly less than half of the center panel. Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size. Enter the flat size width in inches: Panel 2: Panels 1 & 3: Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size. Enter the final trim size width in inches: Flat size: Panel 2: Panels 1 & 3: Folding Example To see how a 3-Panel Gatefold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause var gateCvr = document.getElementById( "cvr-gatefold" ); function playGateCvr() { if ( gateCvr.paused ); else gateCvr.pause(); } 4-Panel Double Gate Fold (for cover weight papers) A 4-Panel Double Gate-Fold has 4-panels per side for a total of 8-panels. The two inside panels are the same size while the two on the outside are both one-eigth of an inch smaller. This allows room for the panels to be folded together. Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size. Enter the flat size width in inches: Panel 1 & 4: Panels 2 & 3: Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size. Enter the final trim size width in inches: Flat size: Panel 1 & 4: Panels 2 & 3: Folding Example To see how a Double Gate Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause var DGateCvr = document.getElementById( "cvr-DGatefold" ); function playDGateCvr() { if ( DGateCvr.paused ); else DGateCvr.pause(); } 4-Panel Roll Fold (for cover weight papers) A 4-Panel Roll Fold has 4-panels per side for a total of 8-panels. Two panels are the same size, while panels 3 & 4 are one-eigth and one-quarter of an inch shorter in width respectively. This allows the panels to fold into each other without binding. Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size. Enter the flat size width in inches: Panel 1 & 2: Panel 3: Panel 4: Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size. Enter the final trim size width in inches: Flat size: Panel 1 & 2: Panel 3: Panel 4: Folding Example To see how a Roll Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause var Roll4Cvr = document.getElementById( "cvr-4Rollfold" ); function play4RollCvr() { if ( Roll4Cvr.paused ); else Roll4Cvr.pause(); } 5-Panel Roll Fold (for cover weight papers) A 5-Panel Roll Fold has 5-panels per side for a total of 10-panels. Two panels are the same size, while panels 3, 4 and 5 are one-eigth, one-quarter and three-eights of an inch shorter in width respectively. This allows the panels to fold into each other without binding. Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size. Enter the flat size width in inches: Panel 1 & 2: Panel 3: Panel 4: Panel 5: Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size. Enter the final trim size width in inches: Flat size: Panel 1 & 2:    Panel 3: Panel 4:    Panel 5: Folding Example To see how a Roll Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause var Roll5Cvr = document.getElementById( "cvr-5Rollfold" ); function play5RollCvr() { if ( Roll5Cvr.paused ); else Roll5Cvr.pause(); } 4-Panel Double Parallel Fold (for cover weight papers) A 4-panel Double Parrallel Fold has 4-panels on each side for a total of 8-panels. All panel sizes are the same. Calculate the panels, if you know the flat size. Enter the flat size width in inches: All panel sizes are: Calculate the panels, if you know the finished size. Enter the final trim size width in inches: Flat size: All panel sizes are: Folding Example To see how a Double Parallel Fold folds, click the “Play/Pause” button below. Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Play/Pause var DParaCvr = document.getElementById( "cvr-DParafold" ); function playDParaCvr() { if ( DParaCvr.paused ); else DParaCvr.pause(); } function openCover( evt, coverName ) { var i, x, tablinks; x = document.getElementsByClassName( "Cover" ); for ( i = 0; i < x.length; i++ ) { x[ i ].style.display = "none"; } tablinks = document.getElementsByClassName( "tabCover" ); for ( i = 0; i < x.length; i++ ) { tablinks[ i ].className = tablinks[ i ].className.replace( " w3-red", "" ); } document.getElementById( coverName ).style.display = "block"; evt.currentTarget.className += " w3-red"; } function myFunction( id ) { var x = document.getElementById( id ); if ( x.className.indexOf( "w3-show" ) == -1 ) { x.className += " w3-show"; } else { x.className = x.className.replace( " w3-show", "" ); } } \n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_layout_column][/cs_element_layout_row][/cs_element_section][/cs_content]