A 5 Panel Hanger Tuck End Box is an elegantly designed packaging design that ensures secure closure and in-store compatibility. This box style features five panels, four of which are tucked into the fifth panel to create a hinged closure. An additional lip flap offers added protection, further securing the contents inside. The hanger portion allows the product to hang on a rack or display, maximizing its visibility in retail stores. Ideal for use with packaged food and a variety of other products, this stylish box option creates a premium look while offering consumers easy access to the goods they seek.

A 5 Panel Hanger Tuck End Box is ideal for use with packaged food, nutritional supplements, small electronics and accessories, cosmetics, vape cartridges, and a variety of other products. This packaging design creates a premium look while offering consumers easy access to the goods they seek. It’s also excellent for displaying items in retail stores since it can hang on racks or stands. It provides secure closure and allows for in-store compatibility due to its clever design.
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